Muis, Jasper (2021). Who deserves welfare and who does not? Comment on “A scoping review of populist radical right parties’ influence on welfare policy and its implications for population health in Europe”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 10(9): 594-597. doi:10.34172/ijhpm.2020.174
Gaidytė, Teodora & Jasper Muis (2019). Examining political participation in Lithuania: the direct and mediated effect of social trust. Baltic Journal of Political Science 9/10: 41-71.
Klein, Ofra & Jasper Muis (2019). Online discontent: comparing Western European far-right groups on Facebook. European Societies 21(4), 540-562.
Muis, Jasper & Tim Immerzeel (2017). Causes and consequences of the rise of populist radical right parties and movements in Europe. Current Sociology 65(6): 909-930. [pdf]
Muis, Jasper & Tim Immerzeel (2016). Radical right populism. Sociopedia.isa <
Muis, Jasper (2015). Populists as chameleons? An adaptive learning approach to the rise of populist politicians. European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities 4(2): 56-74. [pdf]
Muis, Jasper (2015). The rise and demise of the Dutch extreme right. Discursive opportunities and support for the Center Democrats in the 1990s. Mobilization: An International Quarterly 20(1): 41-60. [pdf]
Muis, Jasper (2013). Book review of Power to the People. Een anatomie van het populisme, edited by Justus Uitermark, Merijn Oudenampsen, Bart van Heerikhuizen, and Rogier van Reekum, and A Populist Zeitgeist? The Impact of Populism on Parties, Media and the Public in Western Europe, by Matthijs Rooduijn. Mens & Maatschappij 88(3): 335-341. [pdf]
Muis, Jasper & Michel Scholte (2013). How to find the ‘winning formula’? Conducting simulation experiments to grasp the tactical moves and fortunes of populist radical right parties. Acta Politica 28(1): 22-46. [pdf]
Supplementary material:
Programming code (I used Netlogo 3D Preview 5): [Muis-Scholte-Baseline-model.nlogo] “Save link as” probably works best.
This text file (input on voter positions) is also required to run the model: [NKO2006-xyz.txt]
For the guest lecture for seminar “Computersimulation von Kommunikationstheorien”: here is a more simple two-dimensional code (German Elections 2013) for “model tryout”. I used Netlogo 5.0.5. [Muis-model-tryout-FUBerlin]
Muis, Jasper (2013). Pim Fortuyn. The evolution of a media phenomenon. In: The Cultural Significance of the Natural Sciences. Praemium Erasmianum Yearbook 2012. Amsterdam: Praemium Erasmianum Foundation (pp. 47-48).
Muis, Jasper (2012). Pim Fortuyn: The Evolution of a Media Phenomenon. Doctoral dissertation Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. [pdf]
Muis, Jasper (2011). Book review of A Behavioral Theory of Elections, by Jonathan Bendor, Daniel Diermeier, David A. Siegel and Michael M. Ting. The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 14(4) <>
Muis, Jasper, Jos Philips, Stijn Ruiter & Frank van Tubergen (2011). In hoeverre is ‘naarmate, des te’ nog significant van belang? Een pleidooi voor piketpaaltjes, causaal denken en formalisering in de sociologie. In G. Kraaykamp, M. Levels & A. Need (Eds.), Problemen en Theorieën in Onderzoek. Een staalkaart van de hedendaagse Nederlandse empirisch-theoretische sociologie (pp. 33-47). Assen: Van Gorcum. [pdf]
Muis, Jasper (2010). Simulating Political Stability and Change in the Netherlands (1998-2002). An Agent-Based Model of Party Competition with Media Effects Empirically Tested. The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 13 (2) 4 <>
Supplementary material:
Programming code (Netlogo 4.0.2): [basic model Table 3]
“Save link as” probably works best. The procedure for all other results in the subsequent Tables is similar. These two files also contain the ‘real’ party sizes data I used to calculate the fit: [Table 5 and 6] [Table 8 and 9]
Netlogo is freely available at
Koopmans, Ruud & Jasper Muis (2009). The Rise of Right-Wing Populist Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands. A Discursive Opportunity Approach. European Journal of Political Research 48(5): 642-664.
Supplementary material:
Codebook for the content analysis of political claims-making [pdf]
Reliability test for the coding of political claims-making [pdf]
Koopmans, Ruud & Jasper Muis (2008). The Rise of Right-Wing Populist Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands. A Discursive Opportunity Approach. WZB Discussion paper SP IV 2008-703. [pdf]
Conference papers
Muis, Jasper & Tim Immerzeel (2016). An overview and assessment of current scholarship on radical right-wing populism in Western Europe. Paper presented at the ISSP Annual Meeting, Warsaw, July 13-16. [pdf]
Gaidytė, Teodora & Jasper Muis (2015). Why are citizens in post-communist countries less politically active than in West European societies? The contextual impact of social trust. Paper presented at the APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, September 3-6. [pdf]
Gaidytė, Teodora & Jasper Muis (2014). Examining political participation in post-communist Lithuania: Does generalized trust matter? Paper presented at the ISPP Annual Meeting, Rome, July 4-7.
Muis, Jasper & Guido Dijkstra (2014). Government responsibility and the radicalness of the Dutch right-wing populist PVV. Using tweets to measure party positions. Paper presented at the Politicologenetmaal [Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Associations for Political Science], Maastricht, June 12-13.
Honari, Ali & Jasper Muis (2014). To vote or to boycott? Social contagion and the electoral uprising of the Iranian Green Movement in the 2013 presidential elections. Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie [Annual Conference of Dutch and Flemish Sociological Associations], Antwerpen, May 28. [pdf]